What We Would Do Differently | Episode 05

Hindsight is always much clearer and it’s challenging not to look through that lens when reflecting on our individual roads to licensure and wish things had been done differently. We may not be able to change our past education decisions, but we can certainly assist YOU as you work along your own path to becoming licensed. Episode 05 is hopefully one of many educational tools that we intend to provide future and perspective therapists while making decisions that will greatly impact their careers. 


Looking back, it’s not all doom and gloom. There have been plenty of benefits with every decision but some we would do differently if we had been more calculated and done a little more research. 

Our tips for you: 

-       Consider a dual degree like an MBA, MPH, or if you are willing to push yourself and have the time and energy to dedicate to a higher degree, go for that PhD or PsyD. 

-       Take more business classes to get a better understanding of the entrepreneurial intricacies so you are prepared for owning a private practice. You won’t regret the time you take to learn how to start your private practice when you are ready to step into the field. 

-       Don’t just take clinical courses! If you have the option to take electives, venture out to learn about nontraditional social work or learn how to offer services in another language. Try not to be hyper focused and branch out to expand your view as to what social work really looks like.

-       Continuing your education is super important so remain open to learning opportunities that are outside of licensure requirements. 

-       Do your research on the training within your program. Ask yourself, “Is this a lockstep program, am I able to take electives?”. This will help determine if the school is right for you. Consider the amount of debt you will want to be in after grad school because that is the reality of the field. Do your research to find options that are more affordable to help lessen that debt.

-       If you have the choice to select your professors, determine which professors are the most engaging and inspire you. The professor can make or break a class and the more dynamic and captivating the class, the more likely you will end up valuing the class. 

-       Reach out to alumni to get their unfiltered thoughts and experiences of the program. This is the information you won’t find in a brochure or hear during an open house at the school. 

Get the most out of YOUR education. Do your research and figure out what route is best for you. 

Let’s Connect and share your tips for surviving grad school with us. We want to hear from you!

Visit us at our websites:

-  https://road2wellness.co

-  www.suzihalajyan.com

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