Interview With Lindsay Reiten, LCSW | Episode 04

In this episode, we interview Lindsay Reiten, LCSW, and discuss owning your journey to becoming a licensed therapist along with the struggles we face to becoming licensed professionals. Just because your experiences are different from others, it doesn’t necessarily mean you don’t have an appropriate reason to become a therapist. If you are passionate about helping people, be proud and own your story!


Lindsay Reiten, LCSW is a recently licensed social worker and is currently working at St. Josephs Center with a passion for working within the homeless population. Lindsay’s newest venture is the process of starting a private practice of her own called Lindsay Reiten Therapy. With a huge passion to work with the homeless population because of the misrepresentation and misunderstanding behind the community, Lindsay’s passion has turned into creating a voice for the voiceless offering valuable work for a community in need. Some of those misconceptions include the assumption that everyone who is experiencing homelessness is drug addicts or alcoholics. A lot of people actually turn to substances after experiencing homelessness as an escape. Sometimes individuals are just no longer to support themselves because they have been supporting others for so long. Taking the time to understand that everyone has a different story but almost everyone wants the basic necessities and to live a fulfilling life. 


The path to social work is not an easy one and here we talk about the struggles of becoming licensed. The fear of failure is very real especially when a single test determines the future of your career and journey to licensure. Resiliency is an important characteristic to embody since there is a lot of stressors and difficulties into becoming a licensed therapist or social worker. 


Invest in your relationships! Network, find a mentor, and build your village because having a community of people to challenge you and be present when you need them is very important to have now and forever. Having these relationships take time and vulnerability but our suggestion is to work on it while you are in grad school and continue as you grow and progress within your career. 

 Connect with Lindsay Reiten, LCSW

- @lindsayreiten


 - Psychology today profile in the works!

Would you like to be a guest speaker on our show? Please reach out to be considered for an episode.

We are looking forward to further discussions related to our road to licensure and would love to hear from our listeners. 

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