A New Chapter | Episode 13

Hello listeners! After a teeny, tiny, break to reassess the direction of the podcast, we are happy to announce that we are back with a new look. We are glad to have you along during this journey and also very excited to share this new chapter of Couch Time with you.

Our goal has always been to make mental health more approachable and digestible for everyone and we are now bridging psychology and mental health awareness into other parts of our normal, everyday life. This includes our responses to media, celebrities, and what we see in fictional movies. There is such a draw to drama and the spectacle of reality television. Often this can come from our own comparing and contrasting your personal life with what you see on the screen or maybe you’re simply curious about the reactions we see from others. These are common thoughts for everyone to have and together we want to analyze, react, and better understand the “why” behind the actions. 

Lastly, we want this to be very collaborative with our listeners and we care to hear what you have to say. If you have an interesting or an enjoyable topic that we should cover, please let us know.


Let’s Connect! We want to hear from you!

Visit us at our websites:

-  https://road2wellness.co

-  www.suzihalajyan.com

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