Valentine's Day Gift Ideas for Long Distance Couples

As some of us know, long-distance relationships sometimes require, well, a bit of extra work...some spice...a little razzle dazzle. With Valentine’s Day around the corner, some of you may be wondering how to dial up the connection and have some fun in your relationship. This comes especially important right now while many people are separated and unable to travel to be with their partner. We’re going to explore some ways to brighten this weekend. 

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Make the Most out of Technology

A long-distance relationship’s best friend in moments like these is technology. Although you might not be able to travel and surprise your partner with a fun-filled weekend, you can still make plans together and celebrate the cheesy red and pink heart-shaped season of love thanks to technology. 

One of my biggest suggestions is to plan out a Valentine’s dinner with your partner. Make a plan together to set time aside. Have your favorite meal, set up a cozy and romantic dinner table, take a moment to get dressed and feel your best self, and have a Zoom or Facetime date night. Pro Tip: This also gives you an opportunity to surprise your partner and order them their favorite local dessert, champagne, whatever you know your partner enjoys. I mean, if we don’t use a food delivery service to surprise our loved ones with sweets, are we even using it correctly? 

Ordering Gifts

On the topic of ordering gifts, sometimes we forget how easy it is to order a gift for your partner and have it shipped directly to them. Now don’t get me wrong, I know that love isn’t only shows through gifts and money, but it helps to keep your options open when you’re separated by distance. Some thoughtful gift ideas include a skincare and self-care basket, a good smelling candle, or a subscription box to something they enjoy. Furthermore, we can’t ignore the intimacy that follows with Valentine’s Day. Approach this with your own comfort level. To you this may be a cheeky photo you take for your partner, plans for a romantic date in the future, gifting sexy lingerie, or a pleasure toy that you can instruct your partner to use. Again, take note of your comfort levels here with technology but don’t be afraid to explore new adventures. 

Get Creative with DIY Gift Ideas

Now if you’d prefer to take a more sentimental route, this is your DIY gift’s moment to shine. Some examples are:

  1. Send your partner a sweater or t-shirt of yours that you know they like. Bonus points if you have a signature scent that they associate with you. Spray your fragrance over that item and make your way over to the post office. 

  2. Have you ever seen those “Open when…” hand-written note compilations? Take a moment to write a few letters to your partner and leave them instructions to open them when they might feel like they need you the most, but won’t be able to see you immediately. For example you can title a few as “Open when you miss me,” “Read this when you’re feeling angry,” or something that is more relevant to your partner. 

  3. As I think more about it, the previous idea can be converted into videos of yourself talking to your partner, saying the things you would’ve written. You can upload these with the same titles in a file-sharing drive and give your partner access. 

Get creative and crafty this year. We can all use a bit of extra love and care as an escape from the external stressors. Please reach out and let us know what your ideas and plans are this year! If you would like to learn more tips to improve connection and communication in your relationship, download the Long Distance Relationship Survival Guide.